Now, while it's true that I could grab photos of "Ben Dukes" from the web, from "his" facebook (, from "his" website (, from "his" youtube (; and while I could do research on "him", and maybe get a few facts wrong and thus do a poor job of pretending to be "Ben Dukes" while not being "Ben Dukes",
I doubt I could find this picture posted anywhere unless I made it myself:

oops. Guess that's me.
Go Dawgs.
And yes, I am fully aware of the childish nature of this post.
But no slapsies backsies!
Like I said, maybe has typos. Wouldn't be the first time they did, nor the last. But they've got some different info than you've said.
And to be precise, they list your letter as coming in 2000 (I assume your senior year as you said). But list you as being Academic All SEC in 2000 and 2001.
I was definitely poking you with a stick trolling a bit. After all, if you're going to come up with a player to fake portray on the internet, why would anyone pick Ben Dukes?
That's precisely what I was gonna ask YOU. The relative anonymity, I suppose.
As for the Academic All-SEC...if I won it twice, they only ever sent me one plaque. Perhaps it was for the 2000-2001 season, because all records will show you that I graduated in the spring of 2001, and did not play post-graduate football.
But I appreciate you defending my honor.
Nice mutton chops, Dukes!
The relative anonymity comment is confusing.
But yeah, check it out yourself...
David Claassen, P, Spanish
Benjamin Dukes, DL, Man. Info. Sys.
David Jacobs, DE, Housing
Jonas Jennings, OL, Sport Stud.
Jevaris Johnson, TE, Child&FamDev.
Brett Kirouac, P, Sports Business
Brett Millican, RB, Finance
Brady Pate, OL, Finance
Cory Robinson, CB, Speech Comm.
Jon Stinchcomb, OT, Microbio.
Kirby Towns, WR, Business
Johnny Brown, RB, Sport Studies
David Claassen, P, Spanish
Ben Dukes, DL, Man.Info. Systems
Brett Kirouac, PK, Finance
Ben Lowe, OG, Tech. Studies
LaBrone Mitchell, FLK, Sport Studies
Jeremy Nelson, RB, Biology
Jason Nesbit, RB, Marketing
Jermaine Phillips, SS, Sport Studies
Braxton Snyder, RB, Sport Studies
Reggie Stargill, OG, Child & Fam. Dev
Jon Stinchcomb, OT, Microbiology
Justin Womack, SS, Sport Studies
ecdawg - Thanks! But, the connection via moustache makes it a beard variation as opposed to Mutton Chops. It's "the outlaw," or as some call it, "the Dukes."
Sanchez - come on man, you've been so witty. Relative anonymity - as in, someone would pretend to be me, because no one has heard of me and thus that person wouldn't likely fall under much scrutiny.
As for the 2000,2001 thing...there are other members of my graduating class on that list, too...perhaps it was for spring semester 2001, even though I don't know why we would still be considered part of the football program at that time. Very strange indeed.
I liked your old blog better, back when you pretended to be Brett Millican.
He couldn't pretend to be Millican any more because he couldn't keep making up stories about going to high school with "John Stinchcomb"
Maybe I should take a page from the playbook of that D-bag I went to school with who I heard tell some girl in Caldwell Hall that he was a fullback (busted him on the spot) and then ran into in Ybor City at the Outback bowl, where he was pretending to be Kevin Breedlove's brother (busted him out again).
Nah, I'll just keep bein' me.
Well played, Ben. I personally call that facial hair arrangement the "Pat Garrett" after William Peterson's use of it in Young Guns II.
Funny story about that jersey. Back when you were playing, I heard from Mikey that you were the white 57. I told Chessa that and she responded, "But everyone's numbers are white." Then she saw the other 57 and just said, "Oh. I get it."
And if you don't believe this is really Dante, I can take a picture of me with Gonzo to prove it.
So.....I met Kevin Smith about three weeks ago. Thought you'd appreciate that.
Oh, and I wasn't only the White 57...I also wore 68 and 53. The life of a walk-on!
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